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Water Fed Pole, Free Diving Fins, Carbon Fiber end cap , Arrow Shaft-2010-2018 global carbon fiber market forecast 1

2010-2018 global carbon fiber market forecast 1

Carbon fiber is carbon content higher than 90% of the inorganic polymer fiber is light weight, high strength, high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance, anti-corrosion, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and other properties. In addition to the civil engineering, aerospace, automotive, sports and leisure goods, energy and health care field, carbon fiber also has a wide range of applications in the field of electronic communications, oil exploration, infrastructure construction.
1.International carbon fiber industry development
The world's carbon fiber production is mainly concentrated in Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and a few other developed countries and China's Taiwan Province. As the carbon fiber production process is complex, high technology content, combined with political factors limit the introduction of technology and equipment, the global carbon fiber technology and production is still mainly controlled in the hands of Japan and the United States. Global industrialization of carbon fiber is less than 20 countries and regions; no more than 12 large-scale production enterprises. Toray, Toho, Japan, the United States Zoltek, Mitsubishi Rayon is a global carbon fiber capacity top four manufacturers, four accounted for 23.4% of the total capacity of the global carbon fiber, 17.1%, 14.3% and 10.3%, Chinese enterprises accounted for only 4.3%.

Carbon fiber precursor There are three main raw material: viscose rayon, polyacrylonitrile PAN, asphalt.

The global carbon fiber production of PAN-based carbon fiber, polyacrylonitrile PAN-based carbon fiber production capacity in 2009 accounted for about 96% of the total capacity of the global carbon fiber technology is mainly concentrated in Japan's Toray, Toho Rayon, Mitsubishi Rayon, United States ZOLTEK, Aksu, ALDILI, the hands. Toray, Toho and Mitsubishi Rayon are mainly engaged in small-tow (≤ 24K) PAN-based carbon fiber production in 2009, the three together accounted for 70.5% of the global small-tow capacity; United States Zoltek mainly engaged in large-tow (> 24K) PAN-based carbon fiber production in 2009, Zoltek cent of the global total production capacity of large-tow 49.1%.
Technology with viscose and bitumen as raw materials by the Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) to master. Although the entire pitch-based carbon fiber market is small, but the production is quite concentrated. 2009 Japan Kureha pitch-based carbon fiber production capacity of 1450 tons, accounting for the year pitch-based carbon fiber market share of 65%, followed by the U.S. Cytec, accounting for 17.9%.
Toray carbon fiber comprehensive competitiveness ranked first in the world. The carbon fiber sales revenue mainly from the field of aerospace, industrial and sports and leisure carbon fiber sales revenue in fiscal 2009 from these three areas accounted for 44.2%, 36.7% and 19.1% of the total sales revenue of the company's carbon fiber. Orders for corporate aviation, sports leisure carbon fiber postponed due to the economic crisis, the fiscal year 2009 the company carbon fiber sales revenue and operating profit both decline, which year on year sales decline 28%, to 50.7 billion yen; operating profit decreased 26.2% to 6.2 billion yen.

Small tow large tow Japan, represented by the United

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